Friday, December 30, 2016

RIP Allie

Yesterday Allie crossed the rainbow bridge with the help of me and the vet. It was time. Allie was over 15 years old. I bought her as a 5 week old puppy. She was all legs as a puppy. They'd get all tangled up and she'd fall over. Lol. She was such a good dog. A few months ago one of her eyes abcessed.  After a vet visit and medications it shrunk and there was no more eye.  Well yesterday the other eye abcessed.  This left her completely blind. The quality of life was going down hill, so I made the decision that it was time to let her go and be with friends past and be whole again.  She will be missed. Never be forgotten 15 years was a long time. I held her to the end.
Fly high sweet girl. I love you.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Lots has been going on. Where to start.....
I'm having a bunch of tests done. I have hyperthyroidism. I will say it sucks. More blood tests to check for Graves disease.  Will have a conversation about thyroid storms which can be fatal. Have a sonogram monday on my neck.  There is lump. All results will be known by next Wednesday. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Angel will be picked up the weekend of the 20th. I can't wait.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I just got a call from BLM. I have been approved for direct purchase of my mustang mare Angel. It means I do not have to wait for her title. I will get it immediately. 
I've always wanted to adopt a mustang and now I really am.

Friday, July 29, 2016

BLM Mustang

Well my application for my mustang filly has been turned in. Now just to wait. I should have faxed it.

Getting things ready here at home for her arrival.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Allie is doing better. Her eye is going down. Yay. Still on meds.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

*****Grafic***** Came home to this



Well we came home from the lake to find this. So off to the vet we went. 

Allie is not a candidate for surgery so they have her on 3 meds to get her eue to shrink back down and then shrivel up. 

Lake pictures

Well our little vacation to the lake is over. (Sad face) but I'm glad I get to sleep with ac again in my real bed. MY back hurts. Here are some more lake pics:

This is the bass Wes caught. No lie he caught it on that lure that was bigger than the fish. It survived and was released.
Here is my bass. I was fishing for catfish and got this really nice bass. He did not get released, he is in my freezer.
Night pictures. I was shocked at how beautiful the pictures turned out since they were all taken with my phone.
Our last evening at the lake. We had fun.
Night fishing
The boat launch across the lake
Bad burn, did it the first day. It's very tender.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Grand Puppy at the lake with us

Some of our lake pictures.  More to come soon.

This is Braley, our grandpuppy. She is staying with us for a couple weeks. 
This dog is extremely smart. She doesn't run off and when she gets tired she goes to the tent to go to bed. She is 2 months old.
Captured her front paws in mid air attacking her toy. She is sooo cute.
Kerry out in his canoe
From camp view
Cove off the main lake for the boat. We still like crows creek better
Tink awaiting a swim or fish or to dive for rocks because ROCKS DO NOT BELONG IN THE WATER, says Tink.
It was great swimming. The days were great, we had stiff breeze or wind daily to help with heat. 
I love the lake.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Angel - Divide Basin Wyoming

This is Angel. She is from Divide Basin Wyoming.  She is a wild mustang fresh off the range. She is currently being gentled by a gentleman in Illinois. He is a certified trainer for the BLM, not black lives matter. Bureau of Land Management.  These horses go up for adoption for $125. They will know how to lead, load and pick up all for feet.  
A person interested still has to be approved by the BLM. 
She has very soft eyes. He says she is very lovable and easy to handle. She is 2 years old. She is not trying to hide at all. 
I've always wanted to adopt a mustang. I think it's a piece of our heritage that is going away. I am going to be honored to have a piece of history. She will be ready in August and he will bring her to Columbia.  He is a very nice man, very knowledgeable and is more than happy to answer questions and talk to you about the Mustangs. He is even willing to meet you at a BLM adoption and have you pick your dream horse and then he will take and gentle it for you and help you along the way.
Most know that I have changed my plans with the horses. My focus is no longer breeding. We are going riding more. We are working our other horses, wes is a huge help, he got a broke to ride Thoroughbred. I will be working with a trainer to learn how to do everything I need to do. I get so far and get stuck. 
I will work with him on the Mustang. I will need guidance.  
My paperwork will go to BLM this next week.  It will be faxed. 
James has been a big help. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Schooling for Peaches. Can't tell you how much I love this mare. 
Wes was helping me because the heat gets to me 
You are beautiful and I can't wait to take off riding you
I'm so proud of this mare
Ok smart ass face. Lol
Went fishing Friday and saw several gar
Majestic Spirit aka Beau  is doing outstanding.  He is gaining weight.  He is happy and so sweet.
Flooding....are we surprised?......noooo
Amanda and Josie. 
Amanda came home to visit for about a week.  I haven't seen Josie perked up like that in a long time. She was Soooo happy to see Amanda. 
She was instantly 25 years younger.
Wes and his son Simon who plays semi-pro football. 
July 9th game
Game was called at halftime that night because of this storm
Speaking of storm here is some damage from the 7th of july I believe.  I saw branches coming down because I got caught out in it trying to feed before work. It was BAD.

Hope ypu enjoyed the pictures and updates. It was wonderful having Amanda back but she missed home after 2 days. Lol.  She just needed a little vacation.