Monday, May 25, 2020

The Miracle Horse

Well Trick is truly a miracle. I definitely believe that.  He looks like a silver bullet, rather a dirty one but this is his outfit for the summer. 
He is getting better every day, eating well again and even got into a kicking match with River over the new baby. Boys....will be boys I suppose.  
The thought of him dying crossed my mind several times but I honestly never let myself believe he would.
I was determined to pull him through. Apparently his will to live with my determination was what it took because he is just what I said.......a Miracle.  
I love you Trick. I'm so sorry you have to go through this but you're a damn trooper and so very tolerant of everything. 
Trick is now growing new hair on his nose. We still have a long rosd ahead but he is off all of his shots now. 
Prayers heard and answered. I really don't think I could have dealt with losing him. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

New Arrival

On May 6, 2020 this big boy arrived about 1:13 a.m.
I was at the barn from about 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. the next morning.  It's a good thing too, because she needed assistance.  She would not have been able to have him on her own. My muscles hurt from helping. When Diva got up her hind end was very wobbly crossing her back legs and trying not to fall down. She has recovered though. Shd is an outstanding mom, she's milking like a milk cow and the colt is unfolding and filling out very nicely.  Diva looks good, she bounced back well. All day the 6th she did lay down and rest a lot between feeding her boy. 

I love this picture of Diva meeting her son.

This needs to be printed and framed, look at moms eye, full of love.

Ringo is doing well and will have some outside time tomorrow 

Ringo is a Champagne overo out of Hotshot Ashwood

Look at that fluffy tail

Mom Diva
 looking great and so is Ringo
Sorry can't get pic to rotate ugh! 

Monday, May 4, 2020


The first pic is Trick in his normal health state. I pray we get him back to this. Nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for him, but I'm doing all that can be done.  I'm working closely with my veterinarian,  she says I'm doing everything right. He is going to lose some or all of his white spots and he's an overo so not the most ideal thing to happen. He has a full body sheet coming.

The pic below is him now trying his damndest to recover. No one knows how much he means to me. He is losing a lot of proteins so a protein tub will be bought for him tomorrow.  
I pray he can come back from this and be the horse he was, but no matter what he will live his life here even if it causes permanent issues. He is so loved. 
The weather is making it harder. He was shivering this morning so Wes came home and fixed up a place in the barn for him and moved him inside. He seems content and greeting his food with gusto. He has Diva and Phoenix for company in the barn.  Since he is in I took off his sheet because he seemed a bit to warm with it on in the barn. 
I love you buddy. You're the strongest horse I know. You're the best horse ever.