Sunday, November 28, 2021

Family Thanksgiving

The family Thanksgiving was great. We got home, stuffed to the gills, and did chores. Came in to relax. Kept hearing the dogs go off but didn't see anything.  Even the inside dogs. It was weird. Then a pickup stopped in front of the house and said the horses were out and headed up the hill onto conservation.  Well we take off with flashlights and headed up the hill, dogs in tow. Wes went and got the pickup. Yes I know, no motorized vehicles up on conservation but this was an emergency.  He found them grazing in an opening. Turns out that it's the entire herd. The gate chain broke and they all took off. They stayed together but wouldn't follow the feed bucket so we went back to the house leaving the stock dogs with the horses. I grabbed my saddle, bridle, leadropes, halters...etc. saddled up faith but she's developed heaves I believe  so that didn't last long. Put hater on her and handed her to Wes to lead. I caught Royal and we started walking to the house. Yep truck up in a field. Turns out the others not only followed but ran ahead of us. They waited at the bottom of the hill for us and when we caught up they headed into the yard and over to the opened gate and went in and headed for the water tank. It actually turned out easier than I thought. Got them put up and got in the suv to go get the truck. Thankfully it was warmish outside. It just sucked that it was pitch dark. It was an eventful evening.  

Friday, November 26, 2021


Thanksgiving was yesterday and it was just me and Wes. I have 4 days off work which is a greatly needed break. Tomorrow is the family Thanksgiving.  
I'm not feeling real good today. Bought some honey for my throat. It really works. I think I need a nap. 
I have been at my vet tech job 3 months now. I will never work anywhere else. I love it there. 


Rebel found his forever home at a fancy riding/schooling stable. He is a Christmas present for a girl who is an exceptional rider. He will also bloom to his full potential which he has so much of. 
Kai went to Texas to be a working ranch horse and Diamond went to a 12 yr old girl to be her 4H horse and show her. 
Spartan belongs to a good friend.  
Still haven't gotten my title for my new to me SUV. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021


I did something I never thought I'd do a month ago. I sold Rebel. I sold him to someone I really trust abd they retrained him and boy did they do an awesome job. He will be rehomed but to only a very approved home. I cried today for the first time when I saw him for sale. I knew this was going to be the case and thought I was prepared for it....I wasn't.  I did get up, go outside, grab my tack and headed to the roundpen.  Newt met me at the gate so he was the one I rode. I  can describe him in one word....EASY!  This boy looks so handsome but all tacked up he is gorgeous. He was perfect considering he's 3 years old and doesn't know much. He picks thing up quickly though. 
There were no shenanigans of any kind. He is a doll. Rio is the same way. I need more ride time. Anyway, the ride did me some good. It's been what I've needed for a while now. 
I've not been the same since I lost my Loki. That one hurt so bad. I hate the fucking people who did it. They will get their just rewards. That's a promise. My anger grows daily so it would be in their best interest to not come anywhere near me....EVER.  I'll need bail money. 
I'm trying to move forward. 
I sold 4 horses so I'm down to a number I haven't been at in a long time. There will be no more foals. Ice and Royal are my born here horses. I'm seriously considering selling my 4 miniature horses.  
I'm rearranging my arena too. I'm going to try and ride every nice day this winter. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Not Over

You know who you are. This is not over. You killed an innocent yearling over jealousy.  I hope you have horrible nightmares the rest of your life. I KNOW you did it. Really must be more careful. My lawyer finds all of the evidence very interesting.  You've heard of circumstantial evidence?? Yeah, you should probably be sweating at this point. 
I'm not done. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

So Very Happy

I am so incredibly happy to announce that my career has taken a turn for the better. I have always wanted my career to be in veterinary medicine as a tech. It finally happened and it's where I will be until I no longer work. 
The staff is wonderful,  the Veterinarian is super, patient,  loves animals and is super patient with new people learning new things. Boy things have changed a lot since I worked at a clinic. 
I absolutely LOVE my job. I  don't mind being called in when needed and my 2nd week there I was called in. I'm full time, usually get my hours in 4 days and usually have 3 to 5 days off at a time, but I always get my full time hours. I love getting up to go to work and am happy all day long. 
I am truly blessed in all aspects of my life. 
Happy in love
Happy in career
Just HAPPY!!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2021


I'm  seriously irritated.  I use to work for this particular person and I wouldn't say we are "friends". I do not hear from her, see her in public with no acknowledgement, not that I want any, she's nosey and rubs in everyones face how well she's doing, which means she married well and also cheats. Well once in a blue moon when she needs horse advice or knowledge she sends me a message.  Yes she uses people but otherwise doesn't acknowledge their existence.  She's done it to me a couple times because she knows I am educated extremely well in horse care. She messaged me the other day, I didn't answer her for several days, I actually forgot about it. Instead of giving her "free" advice I advised she consult her veterinarian.  This is going to be my "go to" for all her questions.  If she's doing so damn well let her pay for her answers like everyone else. I don't tolerate being used. I will help my real friends all day long but users can kiss my ass. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

Royal Blue Berry Belle

Royal from mommas belly to riding. I've waited a long time for this. I still have her dam as well. 

Above Royal has come a long way. We are now partners in riding and we are bonded well.
She is an amazing mare. 
She turned out huge and is so willing to please
Royal at 6 years old
Baby Royal when she was born 6 years ago
Royal in her mommas belly below

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Today I decided to go out and work with Rio. I got the halter and leadrope and decided what the heck so I got on him bareback and we rode. We did the 3 or 4 times. He was a very good boy. It was his first ride. He is 3 years old.
He is going to be one hell of a horse and easy to train. I just love him so much. Spartan kept butting in so I put him in the arena. Maybe I'll try him next. 

So proud of you Rio. 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Stormy Night Ahead

Stormy night ahead tonight. Maggie must have know because she wanted in the house at 4:30 this afternoon. 

Rio and Spartan had a wonderful day out in the pasture grazing. I've put them in their stall for tonight though. 

Went and spent most of the day out with the horses, taking pictures of Rio and Spartan out with the herd and if course pictures of the other horses as well. 

Pictures will be posted probably tomorrow.  

It came to my attention that Hotshot Ashwood,  sire to my yearling Loki, passed about a month ago. RIP Hotshot and know your boy is carrying on your legacy. Loki looks so much like Hotshot. It's ashame that he is no longer on this earth. Every time I see Loki I also see Hotshot. I'm thrilled he is mine and will never go anywhere. May 6, 2021 Loki turned a year old. He is such a sweet colt. He got none of his batshit crazy moms temperament,  thank God. Trick keeps him humble but is not mean to him. 

Trick is doing super well. We still have some spots where hair isnt growing in but I think it will just take time. 

Everyone else is doing great. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Special Big Man

I'm so fortunate  to call him mine. 
He is extremely sweet 

Mr muscle butt

He has a very sweet personality and excellent head on his shoulders, great mind unlike his batshit crazy dam. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

May 2, 2021 pics

My beautiful boy Loki. He is looking more like his dad every day. He will be a year old in 3 days. He is a huge boy. He is his sires son for sure. He has a lot of muscle. 
Still on the fence about gelding. 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Farm Women

Farm work doesn’t make you stronger. It doesn’t make you anything. It reveals you.

There’s gym strong and then there’s farm strong. They’re mutually exclusive.

The toughest women you’ll ever meet spend their days on a farm.

There are more uses for twine than you can possibly imagine. You can tie up a hole in a slow feeder, fashion a tail strap for a horse’s blanket, mend a broken fence and use it as a belt.

“Well that certainly didn’t go as planned,” is one thing 

Control is a mere illusion. The thought that you have any, at any given time, is utterly false.

Sometimes sleep is a luxury. So are lunch and dinner. And brushing your hair. Especially the hair, their hair gets brushed though.

If you’ve never felt your obliques contract, then you’ve never tried stopping an overly full wheelbarrow of horse manure from tipping over sideways. Trust me, you’ll find muscles that you never knew existed on the human skeleton to prevent this from happening. 

When one of the animals is ill, you’ll go to heroic lengths to minimize their discomfort. I've done it and as I look back I'm not exactly sure how I did it but I did.

Their needs come first.  In summer heat and coldest winter days.  Clean water, clean bed, and plenty of feed. Before you have your first meal, they all eat.

When you lose one of them, even though you know that day is inevitable, you still feel sadness, angst and emotional pain from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. And it’s a heaviness that lingers even though you must regroup and press on.

You’ll cry a lot. But you’ll never live more fully. You’ll remain present no matter what because you must. There is no other option. 

You’ll ask for so many miracles and hold out hope until the very last. It's amazing when the miracles happen.

You will, at least once, face-plant in the manure pile. 

You’ll find yourself saying things like, “we have maybe twenty minutes of daylight left to git ‘er done” whilst gazing up at a nonspecific place in the sky.

You’ll become weirdly obsessive about the weather.

You’ll go out in public wearing filthy clothes and smelling of dirt, sweat and poop.  People will look at you sideways and krinkle their noses but you won’t care. 

Your entire day can derail within ten seconds of the rising sun.  
You can wash your coveralls.  They won’t look any cleaner, but they will smell much nicer.

Farm work is difficult in its simplicity.

You’ll always notice just how beautiful sunrises and sunsets really are. It's amazing how much more we farm girls notice. 

You will do head count over and over again.

Should you ever have the opportunity to work on a farm, take the chance! You will never do anything more satisfying in your entire life.

Copied from fellow farm woman 💜

Just some new pics

This morning pictures of some of the gang. 

Trick and Loki before they got their grain this morning. 
Loki is such a beautiful boy. I sure wish he was a filly. I really am hesitating to cut him.
Such a nice hip, he isn't even a year old yet.
Love that butt. 
Below: it's hard to believe that Josie is in her mid 30's. I'm sure she will probably live to her 50's.
Beautiful Jojo
Below: Frog eating her breakfast.  Need to fill in that hole. 
Below: Josie likes to tip her feeder while she eats. Silly girl. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tonka & Loki

Got some new pictures of Tonka today. He is doing so very well. He is very loved and he never runs out of energy. He wants in his stall precisely at 5:30 pm and will try to open the stall door if you're late and he will throw a tantrum. Lol. He isn't even 2 yrs old yet and he's a very big horse. He gets along with Jennifer like no other. I do miss him but he is in the best place possible and I get to watch him grow up just like Jennifer has gotten to watch Pistol, Spartan and Newt grow up. It's just what we do. His color is amazing and so are his markings. He is a beautiful horse and I can't wait to see him grown and helping train the younger ones. 

Loki pictures are from Sunday after he was all cleaned up. He learned to lunge both ways and to back at the wiggle of the rope. He also got his nose smacked for nipping which is why I decided to do some work with him. 
He is a very smart boy and is huge for not even a year old yet. 
As of today he is muddy again though but not bad. He learns quickly. 
He looks more and more like his sire. His head is beautiful, but then he's beautiful from head to tail. Can't wait till this weekend when weather isn't winter and I can work with him more.
I see so much of his sire in him in every way and none of his psycho bitch mom. Thank GOD for that. 

Friday, April 16, 2021


Mr bug butt is shedding off and I can see his white spots once again. Can't wait for weather to warm up for bath time and mane and tail braiding and new pictures as a yearling.  He is sooooo big.