Saturday, November 28, 2020


I am over the moon happy to welcome home my beautiful Diamond.  She is Trick's full sister that was once referred to as a $25 foal. Well folks, this right here is NOT a $25 horse. I rode her after she got home today. It's like riding her brother Trick only bigger. I missed her more than I realized. She's been gone for 2 years. She will never leave again. She just wasn't happy being anywhere but here. She acts like she's never left. Herd remembers her, she remembers them. 
When I almost lost Trick this spring I regretted having sold her. Now she's home to stay. Yes another horse but since she was born here and Trick's sister she is very special to me. My heart is full even if my bank account isn't.  :) 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Frog enjoing the new arena and months after I got her. Looks so much better. Weight gain is tremendous.  


RT All Tricked Out aka Trick aka Mr Snakebite is doing fabulous.
His weight is good, bloodwork good, still a little jumpy for some reason. He is still up getting grained and hay. He may not got back out t o pasture and doesn't seem to mind it. For the most part he is back to normsl. Not sure he will grow hsir back on part of his face. Time will tell. He did develop a good winter coat but still seems to get cold easier so he has willingly accepted a winter blanket, which he never use to. To say he is unchanged from the snake bite wouldn't 100% true. I see little differences having had him for 12 almost 13 years. I've ridden him bareback this fall and he was his normal self. It was a short ride in his turnout. I will staft him in the arena I just put up in the spring to test the waters. 
He is an amazing horse. My heart, my horse, my special bond. Does not take away at all from my love of my others but Trick has always been special.  

These are pictures from a few days ago. A far cry and massive improvement over what he was before during his illness. At one point I was hand feeding him mush. 
I truly love my Trick. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020


My little, not so little, man is growing so fast and has the best demeanor and so loving and sweet unlike his evil mother. 
He is very close to his half brother Tonka. They hang out together. Tonka is the typical big brother. Puts Loki in his place when needed. These pictures were taken yesterday by Tonkas mom Jennifer. She came to visit her boy. 
Tonka is funny, if he doesn't know you he is stand offish until he does. It's ok, Jen is working on him getting use to her. She loves him. He will have all her attention and have everything. 
I think it all worked out great. Loki has turned out to be mine anyway. I scratch his favorite stop and he puckers that lip. He is an amazing colt. It helps when they sre so imprinted from the minute they hit the ground. Spring he will be gelded. He is going to be a grand horse for sure. All the foals I've gotten or had born here the last couple years have turned out to be the most wonderful babies I've ever had. 

My beautiful little man

He is so regal and has such a long beautiful stride, carries himself very well. He can also collect up so well naturally.