Well Trick is truly a miracle. I definitely believe that. He looks like a silver bullet, rather a dirty one but this is his outfit for the summer.
He is getting better every day, eating well again and even got into a kicking match with River over the new baby. Boys....will be boys I suppose.
The thought of him dying crossed my mind several times but I honestly never let myself believe he would.
I was determined to pull him through. Apparently his will to live with my determination was what it took because he is just what I said.......a Miracle.
I love you Trick. I'm so sorry you have to go through this but you're a damn trooper and so very tolerant of everything.
Trick is now growing new hair on his nose. We still have a long rosd ahead but he is off all of his shots now.
Prayers heard and answered. I really don't think I could have dealt with losing him.