Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas 2017

In a nutshell has sucked.
Friday before Christmas, tinker got hit. She's still with us but kinda messed up. Stay under the bed mostly. May have already mentioned this.
May have already mentioned my daughter too, that's not really any better. I'm just backing off. Feels like a huge part of me has died and I'll never be the same.
Was happy to get Wes the dehydrater he wanted. That was expensive as hell.
I got my bibs that I love and new gloves that I love.
Still love my River horse.
My cats are the greatest! Such a great source of entertainment and love.
Hate winter. It's to damn cold. Wes is gone to work for the night.
I'm so tired, I can't deal with everything anymore right now and the meds really aren't helping. Well they kind of are but not like I'd like.
Got a call from Keith again tonight. I wish she'd pull her head out of her ass. He is a good guy and loves her and won't run because of her issues. He sticks by her side no matter what.
Well that's all for now. I need to dleep.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Nosey Person

Hate you the more I think about shit, insult my shit I no longer give a fuck. I realize down grading what I have is because you're jealous or some fucked up shit like that. Don't take this wrong, I don't like you at all. My dislike for you surpasses my dislike for literally ANYONE ELSE including N.A. and that's something. 
Have a good life....or not, I don't care either way.


Blocked from that too now you really can't see what's going on in my life. Lmfao!!!

Saturday, December 16, 2017


As the year comes to an end very shortly,  I can't say I'm sad to see it go. Lots of things came and went this year. Some things near and dear some not so much. Friendships ended for whatever reason but apparently was meant to do so. Jobs came and went some because I got sick, still battling that and it's less than fun.
Wes' identity was stolen, to bad it was a family member that did it but hopefully that is over with but who knows.
One thing that is still as steady as a rock is my love for Wes and my family, well most of my family anyway.
This year, just recently as a matter of fact,   I got my dream horse River. His name was Maybe when he arrived but that was gone as soon as he stepped on our property.  Court case over Willow finally ended with a win for us and she is happily still part of our family despite someone else's desire to have her.
I got ripped off a few times this year and learned valuable lessons in helping people, as in, no more.
Had 3 cats join our family this year, which I love dearly.
I've gotten to watch my sweet Polly, Layla and Lola grow from little babies to such playful sweet loving parts of our family. It's been a very fun year for the most part.
I still miss my 2 girls so much but they have good lives in Arizona. Anj has grown into a beautiful young woman. Amanda is being taken care of in a manner which she should have been her whole life but wasn't.  She's  got 2 horses now and has turned into me about the animals. Does this mommas heart good to know she follows in my footsteps.  Lol.
I sold some horses that I wish I hadnt, bought one back, but keep in touch with the others. Everyone is doing great.
The barn is great. Doing better than I've ever done, it's improved my health some as well but I've also started using some natural stuff too.
I really don't think there is much more to report for the outgoing year other than see ya wouldn't wanna b a ya. I am every faith that 2018 will be much better, and I will be a lot more particular about who I pick as friends.  Those that down grade anyone are just not healthy positive people to be around. I'm no longer putting up with negativity and being around those that think they are so much better than anyone else. Material things don't make life better.
2018 is going to rock. I'm getting better, or trying and determined to succeed. 
So unless major shit happens in the next 11 days that's it for 2017. It's been real, it's been fun but it's not been real fun. Thanks for the burning memories. 
AGAIN.....can't wait for this year to be over. Paid $40 go what was advertised as a blanket (horse) like new only it had a huge rip in it and the buckle in front was broke or rather is broke so cant use it now till the buckle is fixed. The man offered to refund my money then made a smartass remark about how horse people are the hardest to deal with then blocked me. I told him to keep his damn money. Seriously I'm sick of dishonest people, liars, cheats and thieves. 
Off to walmart to get stuff to repair the blanket.
Oh and let's talk about the child that hit our jack Russell driving to fast. Didn't even stop, admitted he hit the dog and admitted he didn't stop. Seriously no I'm sorry, is your dog ok, nothing absolutely nothing, found his parent and thought it was getting taken care of in the way of talking to him about speeding, perhaps thinking of others and apologizing or even as much as asking how the dog was. Nothing just nothing. Total disregard.
Then there is a family member that refuses to seek medical help so guessing I'll be losing her and having to travel to a funeral. I can do nothing from here and no one there gives a shit. They've left her alone and so no telling what's going to happen now. She's dropped off fb now too. She said her goodbyes last night so I'm expecting a bad call any time. I hate being around people anymore. They aren't genuine anymore. They're dishonest. 
Christmas is going to suck this year. I hate it. I'm not looking forward to 2018 either. Not handling everything being thrown at me at once very well. I don't have the strength for this. I'm drained.
Year end letter is a bang up one huh?
If I lose my daughter it will do me in. Not sure I can even attend a funeral.
Let's see what else can go wrong before the 1st.


Ok so it's Bryer River in miniature form. It's out of a Bryer kit you can buy and paint the little horses the way you want. I did one of them like River. Don't know how I'll do the other 2 yet. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Never again

Not exactly in my job description at the barn I work at and I usually don't mind but this one was a horrible little shit. The first one was great, this one not so much. Relocation after speaking with conservation was not fun.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

My Baby

I love this boy so much.
Still can't believe he is mine. 
So beautiful,  so smart and so wonderful. 
I'm so happy he is mine. 

My pretty kitty's

Our Maine coon kitten, Mimzie. 
Peek a boo Mimzie style
Actually keeping claws covered, getting use to dogs
Sebastian and Mischief who are not happy to meet Mimzie at all.
Sebastian is being big spoiled baby