Sunday, October 11, 2020

Riding Last Night

Went riding last night on Pera and a friend of mine rode Faith. It was a great ride but today I'm paying for it. Right hip still out of place and hurts. 
Going to get my other riding pen put up and do more riding with the ones that need finished. Might even get back to riding Rebel. 
Need to start Newt, finish Royal, ground work with Spartan,  continue ground work with Rio. 
Have been working with Arius.
Faith is perfect, Trick and Pera are perfect, Josie is retired, Frog is retired, Kai rides and isn't far from being finished just needs more wet blankets, Pistol needs to have his first fide, all his ground work is done, Peaches......well probably need to start over on her with refresher. Willow is broke to ride but hasn't been ridden in 3 years so she might remain a pet. Cat is to traumatized to do trails. 
So much to do. Wish I had a small indoor arena. 

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