Sunday, April 11, 2021

Spring has sprung

Tonka is doing great in his training at his new home. He's so big and learning how to be a big boy. He's very loved and spoiled too.

The trees 🌳  are blossoming 

Loki is almost as tall as Trick and won't be a year old until May 6th.

Trick and Loki feeding time.


Trick did great through winter

Danarus who will continue to be ridden this year and go out on trail rides.

My daffodils 

Spring means back to training. Rio is very easy. He is also very fast and very smart but very loving.

Spartan 2 years old, Rio is 3 years old. Best buds forever. 

Rio is starting off his traing so very well. This was his first time saddled.

Blister from rope burn when I was grazing Rio in the yard and the dog caught him off guard, spooked and dragged me and I didn't let go until my skin was burning off.

Sunning horses, fence replacement and grading the area of the pasture that usually stays dirt.

Newt is Spartans big brother at age 3 yrs old. He will start training this spring as well.

Loki sunning himself. He was out cold. 

My man responsible for keeping the horse area in shape. Thank you honey.
I let Rio and Spartan out for a little bit to run in the big pasture Sunday the 11th of April. Boy can Rio run. 
Until we get new fence up they won't be out permanently  but afterwards they can go out and learn their place in the herd. Rebel doesn't care, however,  Pistol and Faith are a different story. 
It'll be a good horse year, good farm year making improvements for the horses. 

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