Thursday, December 14, 2023

Miss Josie

I am so mixed with emotion over the loss of Josie. It's very hard. A friend,  Emily,  brought over 2 of her horses to stay while she puts up a fence. One is Mavis, a little Arabian, and Fiona. They at least keep my mind occupied along with the boys. The boys are coming around and even Drifter lets me pet him. Luke is coming around too. Jinx is standing firm on screw you people. Emily wants me to keep Mavis. She is an ornery shit to say the least. I plan on going and playing with her tomorrow.  I don't have to leave for work until 2:30 so I'll have some time. Unfortunately I'm working Saturday as well. Ugh. I'm only doing one weekend day a month and I'll hold them to it. I'm good, my clients like me so they really need me. 
I'm tired tonight. At least I don't have a client tomorrow morning or Saturday morning.  I can actually wear regular clothes tomorrow.  

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