Friday, October 31, 2014

Can we say FRIDGED?

Well its going to get down into the 20's tonight. BURRR! I am not going to start blanketing yet though. As long as they are dry and have the barn to get into I am going to let it go for tonight. It is looking like blankets will be coming into play soon though. It will be loads of fun blanketing 12 horses. That's ok though, I don't mind. Going to have to unhook hoses this evening after making sure all tanks are topped off. Won't need tank heater YET! Lots of errands to do today. Normal Friday stuff. Wind chill is making it colder as the day progresses. Need just a bit more fall weather instead of jumping right into cold winter.
Get together tomorrow so lots to do in the house today since most likely the whole thing will move inside. Weather permitting we will have the bonfire but if the wind keeps up that will be a no go.

Better get busy...........

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