Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Missing You

Soooo missing my daughter. I got to text with her last night. It was wonderful. Both of us ended up in tears, then I made her laugh. She is so happy out in Arizona though and that makes me happy. That is all that matters. I want to go out there next year and see her and Anjeleena. I just miss Amanda really bad right now. Maybe its the time of year or the fact that she has been gone for almost a year now. GOD It seems like longer than that. We talk a lot on the phone but I miss her hugs and her kisses and hearing "Momma" or just "mom". I know this move was for the best though. Here was just no good for her. The people she was around were no good for her and she would have ended up hurt or dead.

I get pictures occasionally and her hair is grown out long now and so is Anjeleena's.  They both look beautiful. I haven't seen Amanda's hair long since she was a little girl. Where did the time go? Where is my little girl? She has grown into such a beautiful person and beautiful woman. I am very proud of what she has done with her life. She moved to another state with not much and worked to build what she has. I am very proud of you Amanda. You have no idea.

Momma loves you.......................

My Christmas present !!! 

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