Friday, October 24, 2014


It has been a very long week. Thank goodness it is Friday. This might just call for dinner out tonight. This weekend is "get the house ready for next weekend" and get laundry caught up. I am also going to try to incorporate Trick back into the herd. (fingers crossed) Maybe he won't run them to much. He is very happy he has mares. He is such the big man on campus. Butthead. But I love him dearly. He is a little spoiled.

Ordering my new bit today. It is a combo bit and I have been looking for one for a long time. Look out Rebel here I come.

Blankets coming one by one. Everyone that needs a new blanket is getting one this year. YAY!

Last night sleep eluded me at least sleep without nightmares eluded me. First one was trying to escape from bad people, the second one was about snakes. REALLY? SNAKES??? Have no clue where either of those came from. Weird. Its been a stressful week though so I am sure that has something to do with it. I am so tired.

Moved some panels around yesterday, pasture horses have access to the barn. I hope that I can move the panels back to being a round pen tomorrow.

Busy busy busy and it seems to never slow down. Lots of things to do today.

Connected with an old friend again yesterday. Had lost contact with her and found her again. We talked on the phone for over an hour last night. Was good to catch up. It had been about 4 or 5 years.

Got a call from the neighbor last night and talked with her again this morning. Seems we have someone sneaking around the properties. That is going to come to a screaming halt. We know who it is and they are going to be greeted with a shotgun. Apparently they are sneaking around and going on the property around 2 and 3 in the morning. The dogs alert to it and they have been seen hiding in the ditch. We have a great watch system with the neighbors around here. I catch the SOB and he is going to be shot for trespassing.

Well time to get on things for the day. Gotta get feed, Trace Mineral Blocks (3) and a bunch of other stuff. UGH! Hope the fog clears out soon.

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