Monday, October 20, 2014

There are no words

This weekend brought about some horrible news. Two of my closest friends that I grew up with, Dondi and her sister Stephanie are suffering greatly at this moment.
Dondi's daughter, Tuesday, took her life on Saturday. My heart is broken for Dondi for the loss of a daughter and for Stephanie who lost a niece. There are no words that seem adequate to bring peace on such an occasion. Life is short. You never know how long someone will be in yours. My thoughts are with both Dondi and Stephanie. My heart continues to break and tears continue to form. I can not begin to imagine the pain that is being felt at this time.
Be strong my friends. You and your family are in my thoughts and always in my heart. I wish the distance was not so great and that I could hug you and help you get through this difficult time.
May you find some peace. I hope Tuesday was granted peace.
My love to you all............................

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