Saturday, October 25, 2014


Ok so today was very busy. Errands in town this morning got all done. Came home took down the fencing I put up in the spring, thank you Trick for taking most of it down for me, insert sarcasm here. Decided that's it, time for everyone to play nice together. That's right, opened the gates! While Trick did run a few minutes, with his Belle by his side, it didn't last long and I was whistling at him and he decided to listen. Could be that because the last time I took him from his herd when he was acting an ass. Not to mention since Belle has come home he is calmer. He doesn't care about the rest of the herd at all. Just his Belle. Those two have been attached to each other for a long time. I think we have achieved peace in the valley.
Pistol and Bo were bucking like broncs today. They were full of themselves. Such pretty boys. 
I love Pistol and Bo. Pistol is my sweet lovey boy. Bo is more independent but still lovable just not as much as Pistol. Pistol would curl up in my lap if he knew how. Pictures tomorrow. They have grown so much and are huge. 
Tonight was a birthday party with hayride and bonfire! It was fun but I'm tired. 
That's all for tonight.

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