Thursday, October 23, 2014

Last Night / Today we Lay to Rest

Ok so Rebel has his favorite place to put his head over the fence. I got home from running errands yesterday afternoon and went out to feed. Through the gate once, didn't notice, came back through the gate and boom, I noticed. Rebels favorite spot of fence was just about on the ground. The fence post was broke off, a t-post no less and the bottom part was still in the ground. HUMMM. I called out to Wes and he came out and I said we have fence down. He walked over there and said well I bet I can guess who did it, the big black fat boy out there. I said "Ya think". Of course I knew it was him. BUTTHEAD! And of course said butthead was over there looking at it and us like "What happened?" REALLY? You happened. Wouldn't trade him for the world though. He is our clown, or rather pain in the ass. Who says geldings done cause trouble? They never had the 3 geldings that I have because they all spell trouble. My mares don't cause half the shit that the geldings do. So we fixed fence. This weekend we are putting a BIG gate in there to make it easier to get round bales in. This way we don't have to go through the big pasture through two or three gates. So Rebel actually did us a favor. He could have waited till we got the gate home though. LOL. His timing is not good. BRAT.
I just love how he stood there like he had done nothing. Oh well. Its all good now and he won't be pressing on it and tearing it down again. Still love my bubby!

Its a cloudy dreary day today which is kina fitting for the day that it is.

Today friends and family lay to rest

Tuesday O'Riley Antonowicz   
3/31/1992 - 10/18/2014

My love to the family and especially her mother Dondi Horton. You are in my thoughts and heart today and I am so sorry I can't be there.
Fly with the Angels sweet Tuesday. You are free. May you be held in God's Grace and loving arms.

Bye sweet Tuesday.

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