Monday, May 4, 2015


As irritating as Savannah was today it's really nice to look out the window and see her here.
It's a pleasant evening even with the rain. I have to admit I'm done looking at horses thinking hmmmm......another one? We have our hands full now. But our hearts are full as well. I am feeling very accomplished after this weekend. Sunday showing was what I needed to get kick started. I can't begin to describe what it did for me. Sunday brought back many fond memories of long ago. I don't care if we win or not. It's the time spent with the horses, teaching them. They are winners to me regardless of getting a ribbon or not. I'm sure we will see ribbons soon. Sunday was a schooling show and about half the people there were training. It was good to see. I could have pushed Trick and ribbon'd in a couple events since most were just walking or trotting through but I wanted him to get use to things first. I refuse to ruin him. He I'd far to good a horse for that. I need to get my arena up so I may continue to work on the horses between events.
I think Pasha will be an excellent prospect for speed events which is why I got permitting this weekend I think Cat will go to the round pen and work on some simple things.
I love all these horses we have so much. Each of them has their own distinct personality and it's nice to see break through moments. Cat is very special to me as they all are in their own ways but I really want to see Cat change into what I know she can be. It's so sad to see just how much race horses are programmed and really don't have a clue how to be just a horse. Cat carries herself with such pride. I want to teach her to trust more. We have come a long way but trust is still an issue for her.
The newest filly is paired up with Cat. They get along exceptionally well. This gave Josie her freedom back. Cat is attached to Mariah and Mariah is very people oriented. I love that filly.
Affair has settled in so well you'd never know she is a newbie. It's funny how some can immediately be taken into the herd with no issues. Trick remembers Savannah but is putting her through the paces as the new one.
It looks as though I have pretty much all I need to do what we want to do now. I really don't have anything I'd be willing to part with. This time at home has been a blessing in so many ways.
I have to say that yesterday being at the show and Wes being with me meant more to me than anything. He is my biggest fan and was by my side helping me like crazy. It's so nice to have that support and that deep love and respect. He is my rock. My heart has never been filled with this much love for a man before. This may be goosh to some who read this but if you walked the path I did for 30 plus years you would understand.  My life is perfect. I have healed inside from the past, learned much, and found who I am. Wes makes me a better person and has taught me that it's ok to make mistakes yet the lessons are gentle and kind never made to feel stupid or beneath anyone.
I have many friends that I am very grateful for. We have a lot of fun.
Well I guess that's it for tonight. Gotta pick up feed order tomorrow.  Rain for the rest of the week so gotta go tomorrow. 
Have a good night everyone.

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