Saturday, April 11, 2015


Well today I took Cinder back to Melissa. Ya know it's really weird that she never fit in here, meaning that she never became part of the herd or even a seperate group. When I unloaded her today she whinnied at the other horses and was all excited. It's the happiest I have seen her. She was turned out with the herd and immediately was back with her group. All went galloping off under the watchful protective eye of Whiskey. He stayed by her side. It was truly a happy reunion and in the several months I had her I never saw her that happy. our herd never fussed when I took her to load her either and they usually do. Cinder is home where she needs to be. I honestly don't think she would be happy anywhere else.  Melissa was happy to see her. I think she missed her. It was painfully obvious today where Cinder belongs. It was a happy thing. We stood and just watched in amazement as she rekindled old relationships within 5 minutes. It was amazing to see how protective Whiskey was. I didn't realize till today that Cinder was so unhappy. That has been fixed now. Will be glad to see what she has in the coming months. She and the stud look so much alike.
It was nice to see Melissa today as well. My GOD she just does not look the same and as time goes on, it'd been a long timt, I still can't get over the entire transformation. She has lost a person and a half. She looks super good. Pictures don't begin to show how truly thin she has become.

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