Saturday, April 18, 2015

Morning/day 1 after surgery

No this is not horse related but I'm writing about it to serve as a reminder to me for the next stupid life changing decision I make. THIS SHIT HURTS!! I don't mean hurt as in take 2 kicks pain pills gotten from dr., I mean can't get comfortable, wake up every 2 hours, hurts to breathe kinda pain that the pills only help but not get rid of. This is a direct result of a 27 year old decision I made out of being 24 years old and out of vanity. Holy shit people this is painful. Up at 5 am because I've basically given up on comfort or sleep.
No lifting over 10 lbs for 6 weeks. Which means I have to have help feeding and riding is out of the question. I'm glad I rode Thursday.
I promised my dad no playing with the horses until I'm healed. That won't be a problem. Lol.
Update later.

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