Friday, April 24, 2015

What a fabulous day.

Well Friday (technically yesterday since it's now after midnight) was a good day. No pain pills at all. Feeling my best so far during this miserable surgery. Did a little mushroom hunting, rode the 4 wheeler, did a little fishing, did some cleaning and enjoyed the day.
Today I am going over to see Affair. I can't wait till she comes home. I am excited. Abby will be here Monday so I am excited to see her. Josie will be able to go out to pasture like she wants and Abby will be with Cat since Cat is not at all nasty to other horses.
Things are shaping up.
The cyst on Pistols nose is still gone which makes me very happy. Bo and Pistol both need a bit of an attitude adjustment again. But I have to say I love those boys. And if ever I am not breeding they will be our wonderful geldings.
Can't wait till Belle foals and she gets to have her hot date with AJ. He is such a stud muffin. That foal w I'll be a keeper no matter what. I think Belle will retire after next year and just enjoy her life as our pasture pet. She is Soooo sweet.
Pasha is gorgeous.  She has she'd off and I've dewormed her twice now and she is extra shiny and is putting on lots of weight. She is so smart, she comes at feeding time without being called, goes in her pen and patiently waits. Standing next to her on level ground today I realized I can not see over her back at all. Wow. I never would ride Rocket because he was way to big but I love riding Pasha. She is such a loving mare. I am so glad I got her. Thank you Ashly.
Our flowers are coming up like crazy around here. I love spring. The garden is growing like crazy to.
Everyone is doing great and I have enjoyed being able to sit and watch the horses everyday. I am so glad that I am feeling so much better.
Well I guess I should once again go try to sleep. Having issues with getting comfortable lately.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone.

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