Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 2 evening time

I'm doing a lot better. I'm taking only half the pain meds that I was. Pretty good for just being on day 2. Being outside helped a lot today and so did the shower.
I would not wish this on anyone, not even an enemy. This is going to be a road from hell to recovery. I think it will be a lot better once the drain tubes are out.
Had I even thought about this possibility 27 years ago I would have never done this.
I'm glad the implants have been removed. I will not get anymore. I will rehab what I have and in time will be ok. I'm good with this. I thought I'd be upset but I am really relieved. I think a lot of things will improve health wise.
Wes is the greatest. He is caring for the horses for me. I have to say I hate the fact I can't even feed.
One thing I have to say to anyone considering this type of surgical enhancement, think long and hard. They were not worth what I'm going through now.

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