Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring fever

I have to admit, that badgering feeling I have, spring horse fever. Yes folks that means I'm looking at horses. I'm just looking. I'm fighting the urge. It's a battle. I just remember that things are coming up out of my control. Not like I need to be looking anyway. It never hurts to look.....right? Lol.
Those that know me are laughing hysterically right now.
I just want to play with, groom and ride my horses. Start working with the youngsters.
Oh I did get feed today and got some alfalfa chops today to mix with Pasha's feed. She liked it but at first was like hummm there is something new in here. She ate good tonight though. She is eating all or almost all her food.
Anyway, just had to share the fact that I feel the That is all I have to say about that.......

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