Sunday, April 26, 2015

Interesting Day

Well it's been an interesting day to say the least. Had a come to Jesus with my did no good. I have no clue what his problem is but he has one, mostly just being blind to what is going on under his nose. Oh well.
On to better things that don't pissed me off.......
Moved the lumber today and caught 3 baby bunnies. I put them in with my other young ones. A couple got away but maybe I'll find them. The might have run under the firewood stack.
Got the new round pen panels set up and when the stud pen is finished those round pen panels will get incorporated with the others and I'll have a HUGE training pen. It's 60 foot now and can put in 11 more panels. Woohoo!!
Everything is coming together. 
Maggie gets spayed Tuesday. Yay!!!
I've been busy today and it felt good. Healing well. Hope to be released this week to go back to work. Not sure he will but I don't see any reason why not.
It's been a beautiful day. 

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