Saturday, April 11, 2015

Play time

Bo and Pistol and Josie and Cat got the day out in their own pasture today. Cat did laps around the pasture and boy is she fast. She is a joy to watch. Pistol is attached to her at the hip. They will make an outstanding foal.
Bo has got such a personality. He will make you laugh.
Josie just grazed. She doesn't care. Bo and Pistol played.
Oh I got cool doggy stairs so that Allie can get up on the bed on her own. It works great and all the little dogs use it. I love it. I found it at a garage sale for $5. Can't beat that.
Trick played in the water tank AGAIN!!! Brat!!
I went to MFA to pick up my feed this morning. I've got a horse blend that looks fabulous and the horses love it. I'm getting them switched over this week from the old stuff to the new stuff. It's a lot like a mix a good friend of mine does and her horses are fabulous looking. So far I love it.
I will be buying it in bulk and saving money but not sacrificing anything for the horses. Yay!! It's a win win if it does what I think it will for them. We shall see in the next 30 days. 
Time to relax. I'm tired. It's been a long day. Tomorrow will be busy. Gotta get stuff done before surgery.

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