Thursday, April 16, 2015

Count down

I've enjoyed taking pics this morning. Now getting stuff ready for tomorrow.
Sent a cute pic of Bo to Wes for our daily lunch text.
Love some of the pics I took of Pasha. This is the pic I sent to Wes. Lol. Bo is pretty cute. 

Such a silly boy. 

Here is my two favorites of Pasha. 
She is beautiful. 
As you can see everyone else is out to pasture. She eventually wanted out with them. I had her with Cat and Josie but she wanted out with the others. I let her go.
I love the 2 TB'S we have. Just something about them.still have to get Caslicks removed.
 I hope the sun stays out today. It was so pretty this morning and the air smelled soo sweet.
Can't wait for Affair to come home and I'm going to enjoy Abby while she is here. They are both beautiful.  
I want to go ride. 

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