Sunday, February 22, 2015


Feeling fairly accomplished today! It was bitter cold outside so it was an inside day. I was a vegetable yesterday so today I got stuff done. Wes and I tackled different projects. While he mopped the downstairs I cleaned the kitchen and then I mopped upstairs. I got some laundry done, folded and put up, I went through drawers, cleaned them out sacked up clothes to donate , put bar bait out for the little furry thing making nests in my bookcase. Yes I kill the little bastards. They are nasty. They spread disease! So needless to say the mouse population is fixing to drop. 

The girls (2 puppies left) have spent the day upstairs with us. They are very smart and very sweet. The one I call Shadow is a bit shy and loves to cuddle. I really like her. They are such social babies. 

I checked on Pasha, actually I check her and everyone several times a day, and she is thriving out with the herd. Trick still giving her a little bit of a hard time but she is eating and doing very well. This cold snap isn't bothering her or doesn't seem to be. She is loving the protein tub and has completely changed since being turned out. 

Cat is not the same horse she was even a month ago. I can walk up to her and love on her all I want now. I think things are finally starting to click. She is a very good girl. I actually had to push her out of the way which I never had to do before because she always moved away from me or anyone really. Can't wait till spring. 

Well stay warm! Off to finish some more laundry and watch a movie. The dogs are in and sleeping already. 

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