Thursday, February 12, 2015

Where did the heat go?

Got blankets put back on Josie and Cat last night. Good thing because this morning is just bitter cold. Ground is frozen which is both good and bad. Good because NO MUD!! Bad because the horses have a hard time walking on it.

I was sssooooo proud of Cat last night, ground not frozen yet she let me catch her, no lead rope, and put her blanket on, again no lead rope. She started to turn and I made a noise at her to say nooo, and she stopped and stood there pretty as you please and let me get it all hooked up, snapped up and in place. What a good girl. I let her know she was a good girl to.

Pasha is still having a fit if she is in the barn alone. This afternoon I am moving Cumos into the barn for a few days. She is no longer limping but she is also staying away from the herd and not coming up to the shelter of the barn. Pasha will be glad to have the company and I think Cumos will benefit from having her in there as well. Boy is Pasha tall. I was standing there last night petting on her and talking to her and WOW she is tall. Gonna need a ladder for sure. No way can I get up on her without assistance. LOL.

Puppies are finding great homes. They are going to awesome families and will have kids to grow up with. One went to someone that Wes works with and he is single and said it was going to be his truck dog. I have been very picky and actually turned someone down. Just said it was not the dog for them, end of story. Don't know if they got pissed and don't really care.

Maggie is getting her girlish figure back. All milk is gone and she is pulling back up and starting to look normal again. YAY. Scheduling her for surgery shortly. No more puppies. I am not even keeping one for myself. I have enough.

Going to pick up round bales this weekend. May have to do them one at a time if we don't find a trailer to use. Its not that far and I want to get big rounds our now. The horses are going to town on the protein tub. Its great. I love having one out there. I think this will be a staple from here on out. Its really good for the horses.

Well more later. Gotta get busy doing some things. Got people coming to see puppies.

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