Sunday, February 15, 2015


Pasha graduated out of the barn yesterday. New horses are a mandatory one week in the barn for many reasons. I have found this to make transition a lot easier. 

Josie and Pasha
She is the zebra horse in the pic. The transition went well. Cat is pretty happy to have a new friend. There was very little establishing of pecking order. I went to out her blanket on yesterday and she was so excited to be out that she was having no part of it so it went on this morning. She was more than willing this morning. I was happy to see that feeding time was very smooth. Everyone goes to their feeder and waits. 
We hauled 8 round bales yesterday. We were going to get another load but we were whooped after two loads. We set out 3 bales. Everyone was happy about that. The protein tub is about gone. It has helped with regards to hay intake though. They are smashing through a round bale in 24 hours now. It truly works well. 
Cinder still looks preggers and Belle does to. 
Today is just bitter cold. Suppose to snow tonight....maybe. Depends on who you watch. Sooo house cleaning on the agenda. 
Valentine's was celebrated Friday night when my sweetheart took me out to dinner. We were going to go to the movies but I was to tired. 

Everyone is doing great and all is well. Can't wait till spring. 

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