Thursday, February 5, 2015

Holy Cow Cold

OMG It is way to cold. I mean I think the cold is cold. Fun times feeding in this crap. I think its suppose to warm a bit today. Heck even the upper 30's would be nice. That's pretty bad when you think the upper 30's is a good temp. LOL. BURRRRR. I don't thinks its this cold where my daughter lives and she lives in the mountains. We needed the moisture though and when it warms a bit it is going to be a sloppy mess to say the least.

Wes is off work now till Monday. Yup he has put in that much time at work that he is done for the week. Of course I haven't seen much of him at all but that is just winter time. Tossing and turning at night, just do not sleep well at all. At least we will get to spend this evening together. Winter time our conversations are done through text and talking on the phone. Better than nothing at all. He will go on days next week so if he is called out it will be during the day instead of being called out for overnights. He said it was boring last night. Was done by midnight which meant that he had till 7:30 this morning to

Sun is out! YAY!

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