Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Another work night

Well Wes is off at work again tonight. He is on nights right now and it blows. Kinda like two ships passing in the night. 
I think cat was actually glad to have her blanket out back on this morning. Josie of course wears her gladly and everyone else has done super well without one. Must be the layers of fat on their big butts. Pigs. 
Everyone lined up at feeding time tonight. It was funny. Cat has taken to bouncing her dead up and down and lifting her lip slightly at feeding time. It's to funny. I hope to get a pic of her or video doing it. She is funny and learning how to be a country horse. 
Pasha will be here this weekend. Seems like I had another horse named Pasha one time. I think that was her name, Arab I believe. 
Will be glad when it warms up a bit. It's gonna be miserable tonight. 
Sleep would be good but I don't see it happening. 
Oh well. 
Time to at least try. 

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