Thursday, February 5, 2015


Ok so can't wait to get my hands on the new OTTB. She is going to be 10 years old March 3. She is very broke to ride and going to be my barrel horse. I also hope that she will help Cat adjust to her new lifestyle as well. They look just alike, yes another bay. She was nominated for the breeders cup and her last race was in 2011. She did win some money. Now she is done racing and will just be a play horse and trail horse. She is apparently very sweet. Pictures to come when I get her home, so as I yell "ROAD TRIP" which I haven't done in a while because I actually haven't done the whole road trip thing in years. I did make up a paper for Wes that said something to the effect that I would not bring any more horses home after this one, and I did sign it. He DID hang it up on the fridge with a good strong magnet. Hummm. Guess I have to stick to it now.
It was pretty funny, I handed it to him and he read it and said "ok where are we going?" I said its a secret. He mentioned where he THOUGHT I was going to go and I said OH HELL NO!!!! I informed him I would NEVER go there again. Besides there is nothing there that would fit our program anyway and I would probably go to jail. I think the new mare will fit nicely into the group.
Cat was not her usual self this morning. She really just picked at her food, seems a little sore, but the ground is uneven because it was mushy and then froze so its like walking on jagged rock. So I think tonight she will go into the barn if they don't have it smoothed out by this evening. I hate to put her in the barn because she just really doesn't like it at all, but its better than her being sore or worse, getting hurt. So in the barn she will have to go.
The new girl will go in the barn for about the first week and then she will get turned out with Cat and Josie and the boys. At some point I need to get the boys separated from Cat and the new one and Josie. I hope to turn the girls all out by spring.
I love the new feed that I have them on now, and the protein tub is a hit!! They love it. 
Bo is over half as tall as Cat and Cat is at least 16 hands. I'm growing them big now days. Pistol is the same and they haven't reached a year old yet. Time has really flown with those two. Seems like we just got them and already they are so big with nice big butts. It's only cost me a small fortune. I've managed to pay for it all by myself!!! That is a great accomplishment and one I am very proud of. Determination and lots of hard work. It's worth it! 
Cat is fine this evening. That's a relief. Wes got home early today and texted me she was ok. I guess frozen ground is something new to her and to be honest a lot of the horses had trouble walking on it. She was back to her old self. Let's talk about the swamp that is now every part of the horse pen, turnout, pasture and well everywhere. Squish, slop, squish, slop. It is nasty and we are getting snow tomorrow. 
Wes has to go to work at midnight tonight. STUPID! It's not suppose to start snowing till noon. So he is upstairs sleeping and I'm downstairs watching tv. I need a couple days off to catch up on some stuff around here and I can't wait till summer when these dogs can be OUT most of the time. 
Well no more tonight. 

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