Friday, February 13, 2015

Silly Girl Cumos

Cumos is my red roan filly. Well she chipped her back hoof, toe part and it quicked it. She was sore but nothing serious. Well in the midst of all this she had started staying away from the herd. She isn't even hanging around Cinder and Kai which is odd. So last night I brought her into the barn just for a precaution. Pasha is in the barn so neither of them is alone. I put panels up, two to be exact and made one of them a slider. Having fed, watered and hayed I slid the gate shut. All was good.
This morning I go out to feed and Cumos is not in her stall. At first I thought maybe she was laying down because I didn't see her with the other horses by the barn. Nope looked at the panel and it was slid open. Hummm how did she do that. Smart girl. So I went and got her, she was yet again out by herself. This is worrying me a little bit, the fact that she wants to stay alone. She is fine in all manners. She is eating, drinking and moves when she wants to. Don't really know what her issue is with staying away from the herd. She isn't high on the pecking order but then neither are Kai or Cinder but they still stay close by the herd. Relatively close anyway. Cumos is no where near them. Its very strange. Anyway we will see if she is still in the barn later. I put her back up, fed her, checked her water gave her hay.
She was content when I left to go back into the house. We shall see. Wes is home so he will check on her.

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