Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 3 for Pasha

Well two nights and 2 and a half days in the barn and Pasha is about done with that crap. She wants out. Heck I don't blame her. She likes her friends. You can hear her whinny from the house if you are outside. She is certainly voicing her opinion regarding being stalled. That's ok, she can voice it all she wants but until the weekend she is in the barn. I'd rather have her whinny than act a fool when I am not home. Not that I think she would but she will be with Cat and the boys so I am not so sure they won't get playful and I want to be there when they do so I can be on guard. I will be glad when spring gets here and I can turn everyone out. The boys will have to stay in the small pasture but I will let the mares out to the big pasture.
Can't wait till it warms up. I want to go ride and I want the days to get longer so I can go ride after work. I actually could use a day or two off. Hopefully soon.
All in all Pasha is doing really really well. I think she will do even better once she is out of her stall.

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