Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Deadwood Ranch Updates

Since my website is no more because they have changed formats I am going to find another avenue to present the horses. I do have a public fb page for the ranch and I also have the blog here. For future reference if posts are directly about Ranch news such as who is standing, who is being bred or who has foaled then the title will be Ranch News. Until I find a website application I like OR get someone to do my website for me professionally this is the way I am going to do this. I sure do miss having a website but I have been left with  no choice since Tripod/lycos has changed formats.

Our Ranch Family


Trick is my personal riding gelding. He is APHA registered and will go where I point him. He is a gentleman all the time when mounted. He is a bay overo and was a stallion until November of 2009. Its hard to believe that he has been gelded for that long. I was fortunate to have one filly out of Trick but she either got stepped on the day after she was born or maybe kicked and was passed away the day after. Trick is a compact 14.2 hands and fits me perfectly.

Rebel is my husbands riding gelding. He is AQHA registered and I got him when he was about a year and a half old. I broke him and trained him and he is a sweetheart. He thinks he is a big lap dog. He is solid black and just under 16 hands tall and fits Wes perfectly.

Kai: Kai came to me a mess. He was a rescue and was no more than skin stretched over bones. He is in bad shape. It didn't take long to rehab him though. He is a healthy fat frisky boy now and was started lightly last summer but will be going back to training this summer. I wanted him to have the full year of just getting to be healthy. He is a joy to be around and he is a gray and white overo. He is APHA. Sweet sweet boy and will remain with our family. He will just be used as a trail horse.

Stud Colts:

Remembering Tradition aka Pistol: He has Zips Chocolate Chip on his papers and what a sweetheart he is. He is also very much a Romeo at the tender age of a year old. But boy is he built and such a beautiful color Bay. The boy would climb in your lap if he thought he could. Pistol is APHA registered, minimal white overo. One small spot on his side.

Farside Kid aka Bo: Bo is Mr. Independent. He likes to do things his way but I have to say he has improved sssoooooo much. He is a sweetheart. He isn't so much a Romeo like Pistol but I think he just isn't interested as of yet. He is APHA and AQHA registered, he is overo and his HYPP status is N/H. He is non-symptomatic and is on the same diet as everyone else.  I do not foresee any issues but will continue to be vigilant in watching him and making sure he stays non-symptomatic.


Josie: Josie is our Arabian. She is approaching the neighborhood of 29 or 30 years old. I have had her since she was around 8 or 10 years old. I bought her for my daughter and she has been a faithful ride for my daughter and my grand-daughter as well as the many others that have ridden with my children over the years. She is now retired, doing whatever she pleases and gets hot meals twice daily. She gets her blanket when the weather calls for it and is generally pampered. What Josie wants, Josie gets.

Belle: Belle is one of our APHA mares, she is bay in color and is registered breeding stock. She has never thrown a solid foal, always painted. She has primarily been a broodmare however, she has been ridden by our family and is a natural. She doesn't care and trusts that she will not be hurt. I have had Belle for many years. Last year she went to a friend of mines daughter for her to build her confidence. Belle came back to us fall of 2014. She is possibly in foal and will update on her when the time comes. Belle will be bred back to a really nice Champagne stallion that a friend of mine owns. I think I will have a beautiful foal out of those two.

Cumos: She is my red roan filly. She is a 2 year old and very pretty and very big. She is sweet as they come and I really do like her. She is very quiet and laid back. I will be working with her on groundwork this spring and start her lightly under saddle. She will eventually be bred as well but not until she is about 5 years old.

Lace: APHA Registered gray and white loud overo. She looks mostly white because each year she gets lighter and lighter. You can see her markings when she is wet and right after she sheds off. Winter time they are hardly noticeable. She has had one foal for me which I still own. Lace was born sorrel and lightened to what she is now. Her sire was a gray so I expected this. I do love my gray horses. Lace is also my gelding Trick's half sister.

Bella: APHA like her mom, she was also born sorrel, she is overo, and she is also turning gray. Right now she is a pinkish color, or rather rose gray. I don't know its hard to explain. Bella will be started under saddle this spring. She is 3 years old. She is not part of my breeding program and I bred to get her because I loved her sire and he is no longer living. I wanted a foal our of him before he passed. He had a rare form of cancer, not hereditary but he was also an aged stallion and was a champion show horse. He is very missed.

Diamond: APHA and Tricks full sister. I got her mother, Rubicon, and she gave me this beautiful black bay filly. Diamond is almost 2 years old now and a super sweet wonderful filly. She has taken up with Rebel and they are together most of the time. Where you find one you generally find the other. I will do her ground work this year and she will wear a saddle for some of the ground work but she will not be ridden for another year. I am not planning to put her in my breeding program at this time. This is subject to change however.

Navy Cat: Registered JC and off the track Thoroughbred mare. She is 5 this year and was last raced in September 2014. She is going to spend this year learning how to be a regular horse. She is in my breeding program and I am planning on breeding her this year while she is getting use to being a country horse. She, obviously, has been ridden (by a jockey) and I will be retraining her to ride. I have had a western saddle on her and worked with her a bit. She was a mess when she came but is very healthy now and show her exuberance without hesitation. She bobs her head and smiles at you on occasion when you are bringing her feed out to her. She has gotten a lot better and has learned that gates and doorways will not eat her like she was convinced that they would. Cat is the great grand daughter of Secretariat. She is a dark Bay. Yes I love my bays as well.

Pasha: Registered JC and off the track Thoroughbred mare. She has been off the track for about 4 years now and was a trail horse. She will be my competition horse. She is completely broke to ride and just joined the ranch as of last Sunday. We drove 3 hours to pick her up and she was well worth it. She is a dark bay and so beautiful. She and Cat look just alike and they wasted no time becoming friends. She has already been a great influence on Cat, as Cat will come into the barn through the doorway just to visit with Pasha. I will eventually breed Pasha and her former owner will probably get a foal out of her on down the road. Pistol was very taken with her and thought he had to put on his Romeo act for her. He curled his neck and strutted his stuff. Both thoroughbreds are caslicked and those will be removed soon.

Cinder: APHA Tobiano, sorrel and white. She may be on the smaller side but she is stout. She is a sweetheart and had a rough start. I am not sure she is going to be in the breeding program at this time. She is a youngster, 3 years old I believe and will be started under saddle this year. She will be easy just as the others will be. She is a trusting filly now, where she wasn't before.

That concludes the list of our ranch family, at least the horse part. They are all very happy. Cat and Josie will be sporting their blankets this evening as the weather changes once again back to winter. COME ON SPRING!! Wes and I are going to be showing this summer along with some other things that we want to do. Stud pens will be built this summer as well. Fences will be worked on and well just regular ranch stuff that never ends.

Have a grand day and stay warm.

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