Friday, February 20, 2015

What a Day

Today started at 5:30 as usual. Cooked breakfast for Wes, packed his lunch, saw him off to work. By 8:00 I had the trailer hooked up, the filly in it and was headed to Jennifer's. Unloaded Cumos, put her in the barn, jennifer got home and we had to wrangle some horses into another pasture. Cumos came in handy in leading them into the pasture. Then she was turned out. 
Back home, drop trailer by 9:30. Off to feed store. Got feed, got 250 lb protein tub, came home and unloaded feed. Got the horses out to pasture and closed the gate so I could bring round bales in for them. Put the chain around the bale hooked it to my truck and pulled it out to the barn pasture. Repeated and took a second one out. 
Phase 2:
Started tractor put on carry all raised it to height of my truck bed and slid protein tub on tractor. Took it out to the shelter. They LOVE their protein tub and oh man does it make a big difference. 
Met with two sets of people who each adopted puppies. Only two left. 
Got laundry started, cleaned up after puppies. 
Phase 3: 
Feeding time. Started watering horses while taking feed out. Lifted upside down plastic water tank off the block of ice that a few days ago was water. Thawed enough to get the water tank off of it. 
Horses all fed, Hayed and watered.
Now waiting to cook dinner, start a fire and take a nice hot shower. 
Wes is on 12 hours because of nasty weather coming. Tomorrow is house cleaning. 

Cat is fabulous. She is so loveable now. Just crazy about that mare. 

Pasha was ticked off when Cumos left but has another friend. She is doing good. Just gonna take some time. She is pissy when you pet her sides. She will get over it. She actually loves her hay more than her grain. Silly girl. 

Time to go start dinner, or pass out. We will see what comes first. Lol. 

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