Monday, February 9, 2015

Good Cloudy Cold Morning

Pasha had a great night. I always worry when I first get a horse home. I went to check on her just before dark last night. She was splashing water with her nose. Everyone was getting along and I don't think she will be in her stall long. Cat is a little over the top with exuberance so I want her to calm down a bit before I let Pasha out with her. I am sure they will be fine. Every horse that comes home goes into a stall for a week or so though. Standard procedure.
Pasha is a very pretty Bay. So now I have two bay Thoroughbreds. Wes and I have matching horses now. Just to get Cat retrained now.

I am so thankful to Ashly for this beautiful mare. When she gets settled and all her ducks in a row she has the option of getting a foal out of Pasha. Its the least I can do for her. I really wish we could have spent more time at the stable yesterday but Ashly is limited to what she can do because she is due to have a baby soon. Can't wait for pictures Ashly! She has a little girl that loves to be a country kid, which was very cute. She was pestering mommy about riding the pony. LOL. And later I did see pics of her riding the pony with her grandpa's help. Thank you again Ashly. Pasha will have a really good home.

Trick raised his head when Pasha whinnied in the trailer yesterday but didn't come to see who or what was up. Maybe just maybe he is losing some of his studly acting attitude. Its only been FOUR YEARS since I gelded him. Walked Pasha to her stall without issue of the herd coming to say hi but then I did throw them hay before I took Pash to the barn. I am no dummy. LOL. Pasha was taking in everything around her yesterday when I unloaded her. She was wide eyed for sure. Pasha is caslicked so I will have to get those removed. I will just take her with Cat and get them removed.

Cumos is still limping on her back leg. Can't find anything really wrong with her hoof other than she just broke part of it off on the frozen ground a few days ago. I checked it again last night and it looks fine. I need to get the jagged part clipped off but am hesitant because she is sore. Trying to let her get a little better before I do it. I had it wrapped and that seemed to help a little. It looked fine last night so kept it unwrapped. Of course all the MUD is not helping. Might be putting her in the barn for a few days where it is dry. Hopefully the ground will dry up in the next couple days since we don't have anymore snow or rain coming. She is such a good girl I don't even have to have her halter and lead on her to check it. She just stands there and lets me do whatever I want. She is just a good filly.

Well gotta go for now. More later with some pictures I hope. Its awful dreary today and cloudy so don't know if it will be light enough to get good pics. Pasha is a really dark bay so need light and the flash on my camera phone makes everything look orange for some reason. Trying to figure that one out.

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