Thursday, February 19, 2015


Cumos is returning home to Jennifer tomorrow, weather permitting. 

In other news: 
I'm no longer employed at the tire shop. Threats do not sit well with me. Funny thing is and it's really not funny ha ha is that he is exactly like my ex husband. Downs everyone, even his own family. Puts his nose where it doesn't belong in people's business that doesn't concern him at all. Talks bad about everyone, is a complete bully and brags about it. It's very sad. So for now I'm home. This allows me to get some stuff done. 

This cold snap is just painful! However, the horses are doing great!!!!!everyone seems very comfortable. 

I've made huge strides with Cat. I love that mare. She is really coming around now very fast. 

Pasha is doing very well. She is in the barn with this cold snap, wearing her blanket and eating well. When the weather clears I think she can be turned out. Everyone is a wooly mammoth except cat. It's been a good winter. 

Ok time to be domestic. Maybe I'll get a nap tomorrow. 😝

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