Thursday, February 5, 2015

Regarding Website / update

With regards to my old website, it is no longer a valid website. Tripod is making everyone switch over to some other format and I just don't like it. I have requested for the front page of the website to be taken down/deleted as I can not do it because of their changes. So far no luck with getting any help on this. FIGURES!
At some point in time I may put up another site but until I find one that I like and can be maintained easily I will just not have one. It was a giant pain in the butt anyway. I can not even retrieve my photos from the gallery because they have disabled all features for the tripod/lycos site.

If anyone has any suggestions for a website I am all ears. So far I have found nothing I like and am leaning towards having someone just do one for me.

Had the website for many years, it will be missed.

UPDATE: Finally got a helpful response from tripod/lycos. The 
Website has been removed. 

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