Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blanketing complete

Do you have a clue how long it takes to blanket 10 horses?? Holy cow!!
Cumos said no way Jose!! So until the other two blankets get here she won't be forced. Lacey well she is fat like a walrus so again till the other blanket gets here this week she is without as well. 
The babies are sporting their blankets. That was fun. Pistol reared up two or three times then discovered it wouldn't eat him. And wow it's a warm thing. Of course Bo kept trying to take it off of him. Suppose to be 16 tonight so that's why the blankets.
Kai is sporting his new zebra blanket. Looks pretty awesome! I got it for rebel however rebel is a fatass and it's a tad to small for him. Cinder is a pro, stood there while we put her blanket on. Diamond handled hers very well. Belle has hers on as well. Sufice to say, everyone but two are covered and by this weekend everyone will have a blanket of their own. It only took a little over an hour to dress everyone. LOL. Wes was a huge help. Josey is still hanging with the babies and she is fine with that and so are they. The zebra blanket is just way to cool. Pics later. It was to dark by the time we finished to take any. As everyone paraded out of the round pen it was like a fashion show. 

Finally got Brutus to eat some pork steak tonight. Yes pork steak. He hasn't been feeling good so he has been staying in the house and is getting fed human food right now. Can't find anything wrong with him. He acts sore. Color is good, not dehydrated, no wounds. It's a puzzling thing. 
Ty, Maggie and Sadie are sleeping in their very cozy house on the enclosed porch. Yes spoiled.
Well that's out winter update. It's gonna be a long winter. 

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