Friday, November 21, 2014

Oh Well

First and foremost, Brutus is eating on his own again. I caught him at the dog good bowl last night chomping away at the dog food. Its good to see him eating on his own. Maybe he just got sick of my force feeding him with the syringe. Yah well then EAT!! He still has a lot of weight to gain back. When he is doing a bit better he will be going in to be neutered. I think it will help a great deal. He is still taking antibiotics and still need recovery time. Whatever happened to his foot made him a very very sick boy. Apparently we have gotten passed that now or at least mostly. The vet said it should be history by today and well it pretty much is. We are just still taking precautions like him living inside for a while and going out to the fenced yard to go to the bathroom instead of him out running with the other dogs. Its just to cold for him to be doing that right now in his condition.

Bo will be going back to Jodi. He isn't bonding with me and just would rather me leave him alone completely. Jodi came over yesterday to see him and see how he did with her and well it was like it use to be when she had him. He gave her kisses and let her lay over his butt and scratch him and such so we talked and neither of us wants to sell him so she is going to take him back. I'd rather see him go back and be happy than to remain with us and be unhappy and cranky and an angry stallion. I will miss him though. But I will either breed to AJ in the spring or maybe get a foal in the summer. We shall see. I really want to breed Belle to AJ.

My ankle is still major league screwed up! I am not sure its ever going to get any better than it is now and if I twist it again I am pretty sure it will be in a cast. It is just not good at all at this point. Probably should have been in a cast to begin with. I am in constant pain with it and if I step just barely wrong it is pain city. Not sure what to do about it at this point.

Everyone's blankets came off a few days ago. Its been getting warmer during the day and everyone seems very happy to have them off. I got two new blankets in the mail yesterday. They were meant for Bo and Pistol but since Bo is leaving I guess I will have an extra 68" blanket. That is ok. Never hurts to have extra. Pistol isn't wearing one right now anyway. He is growing like a weed and so is Bo. I am anxious to see Pistol grow up but then I am sure it will go so fast that I will miss him being a baby. He is such a sweetie. He is very loveable.

This weekend I plan on re-doing part of the barn. I need to take a wall out and clear out the little room so that it will make a bigger stall. Besides I am tired of critters hiding in there and driving Sadie crazy which in turn drives me crazy. She is a coon hound so therefore she like the hunt and barks A LOT. She has already killed one coon in the barn. Not that I am real crazy about that but its not good for the horses to have them in the barn. I do what is best for the horses.

About time to get ready for Thanksgiving. We are having a huge spread and will be doing a lot at the last minute because I just won't have the time this year to spend 2 days preparing. I have a lot to do in the upcoming week. I am sure I will have help though. I just can't believe how well my life has been going in the last 3 years. Never really thought it could be this way. Wes is my rock and my best friend as well as everything else to me. I don't really think I have honestly given my whole heart to anyone but him. I love him madly.

This will be the first Thanksgiving that I will be without Amanda and Anjeleena. It will be my 2nd Christmas without Amanda. I am good with it because I know she is happy and she will get to spend the holidays with her dad. That makes me happy. But I do miss them terribly.

Need to get some Christmas shopping done for Wes. He went through and circled some things. LOL He cracks me up.

Well better get busy. More later.

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