Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blankets Tonight

Last night it was to warm to put blankets on and by the time the wind kicked up it was to dark to find your hand in front of your face even though the horses were all up. I couldn't even see them standing right in front of me. Tripped over a couple of them. LOL. They didn't care.

This morning I went out to feed and put Josey in with the colts. She has her blanket on but wanted her to have the barn as well. The boys were oh so happy for her to join them. They were out of their barn playing in the wind and what little dusting of snow we had on the ground. They were not bothered by the cold at all. So I found the rest of the herd WAAAYYY over on the other side of the pasture. Well I guess they aren't bothered either. I was going to blanket them all but apparently since they aren't hanging at the barn they aren't bothered. So I will wait till this afternoon to get blankets on them. I have to get all the blankets out and figure out what goes on who again this year. I still have two more blankets to order and possibly another one. That depends on what I have that will fit Diamond. Diamond never shivered last year and she never wore a blanket and did fine so we will play that one by ear this year. They all have so much fat on them I am sure they are warm enough. Everyone is feeling super good as they have been bucking and rearing and just generally playing and acting like fools. Its a lot of fun to watch them.

This coming weekend is going to be worse than today so they will be sporting their blankets before then. I will probably round everyone up today and get them on. I kind of hate to but then I hate not to as well. Mixed emotions. If the wind were not so bad I wouldn't bother putting them on but its horrible and they won't stay in the barn.

As the age old argument of blanketing continues I will continue to believe that I am doing the right thing by my horses by blanketing them when it is called for. I haven't been wrong yet so I will continue to do what works for us.

Stay warm everyone..........got a nice fire burning in the woodstove as we speak.

We got our tractor and everything moved yesterday. Well I say we and really it was just Wes. There wasn't much I could help with since everything was so heavy it required using the tractor to get it on the trailer. But he got our bale ring moved, our gates, all the implements that go with the tractor, minus two items that disappeared on Saturday night or sometime Sunday. The tiller that goes on the tractor is GONE and so is 2 of the harrows. We have a harrow at home though. Wes is going to ask about the tiller and where it went. Its nice to have the tractor home, will make cleaning out the barn so much easier and brush hogging the pasture so much easier. Now for some nice weather to be able to do this stuff. The barn doesn't need to be cleaned out yet, they haven't been using it much but I'd sure like to brush hog the pasture.

Well time to go get some inside stuff done since its way to cold to do outside stuff.

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