Our police officers can't even do their jobs without people screaming brutality, or pulling the fucking race card. You dumb motherfuckers are tearing up your own town, your own neighborhood your business that you go shopping at! What the fuck is wrong with you. If you had jobs maybe you wouldn't be out doing this. No one owes you a damn thing. The thug kid whether he was black white green or fucking purple got what he had coming to him. As for the parents, go sit your fucking asses down and shut the hell up! Your boy was a worthless criminal. You know it as well sad everyone else. You yourselves have been fighting amongst each other! You capitalized on the death of your son by selling tshirts. Then you fought over the money. And you have the nerve to blame others? You are the stupidest people I have ever seen. Your son died for what he did. No one forced him it was his decision and his alone. He wasn't mentally incapable of knowing right from wrong. Shut up and you minions out there starting shit go the fuck home. The officer did his job. Look up the word JOB since I'm sure you have no clue what it means!!!!
End of rant.......not really but to say all that I really feel might get me in big trouble.
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